“Regardless of outer circumstances, every single human being has something beautiful hidden inside them. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring that beauty forth - to ignite the eternal spark of genius that sets you apart from everyone else. Whatever your dreams may be, the Gene Keys invite you into a world where anything is possible. Lovers of freedom and boundlessness, this is your world.”

– Richard Rudd – creator, founder and author of the GENE KEYS

Gene Keys Guide since 2022

The Gene Keys

My favorite tool - besides walking - to activate and confirm our inner gifts and talents - are the Gene Keys.

Gene Keys?

The Gene Keys are a synthesis of world wisdom. They are based on the ancient wisdom of the I Ching.

64 Gene Keys describe 64 human behavioural archetypes which provide us with guidance to transform our life and our relationships.

The Gene Keys came into my life in 2018 while I was travelling and searching for a way to express my deeper purpose in life.

Working with the Gene Keys teachings has transformed me.

Are you ready to transform your life, activate your genius, open your heart, and live in prosperity through deep contemplation and facing your fears and challenges that keep you from living the life of your dreams?

Let me be your guide.

Stepping into the Gene Keys Teachings

Begin by getting your free Hologenetic Profile, the unique map of your life.

Your Profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you operate and, above all, why you are here.

Get your Hologenetic Profile

A great way to understand and begin to activate your Profile, is a Reading of your Hologenetic Profile.

You can book a reading with me.

Expect to connect with your genius, recognize patterns that keep you from living with an open heart and understand your unique path to prosperity.

Book a Hologenetic Profile Reading

Deepen the transformative journey that the Gene Keys provide by walking the Golden Path through your Profile.

Gene Keys Publishing and the team around the founder of the Gene Keys, Richard Rudd provide wonderful self study programs for the three sequences on the Golden Path.

The Activation Sequence - which guides you through video, audio and text to awaken your Four Prime Gifts, the cornerstones of your particular genius in life.

The Venus Sequence - where you dive deep into your field of attraction (how you attract or repel people in your life) and how to transform your mental and emotional wounds which can hold you back from letting love flow in your relationships.

The Pearl Sequence - which takes you on a journey on your unique way towards Prosperity. You learn how your Gene Keys inform your true vocation, your brand and how to find the ideal people to work with to serve humanity.

Dream Arc Program - or maybe you want to dream a New World into being. Then this adventure into your Dream Life might be for you. Expect to hone your intuition, receive indigenous wisdom, listen to songs and stories.

Please support me by booking the Online Courses through my Affiliate Links:

Activation Sequence - Discovering your Genius

Venus Sequence - Opening your Heart

Pearl Sequence - Unlocking Prosperity

Dream Arc - Dream a New World into Being

The Lady’s Prayer

Our Lady, who lives in the heart of all form,

Hallowed be thy name.

May thy Queendom come,

May thy Will be done

That heaven may come to earth.

Please allow me, this day

To drink from your sacred, silver spring

And forgive me my forgetting

As I learn through your Grace

To return all non love with Love.

And take me by the hand

And lead me step by step

into the patient valley of your Heart

For yours is the earth, my body and my life

For ever and ever.


— Richard Rudd