Gene Key 13 Discord - Discernment - Empathy
Gene Key 13 moves from Discord to Empathy and is the path of Discernment.
'Listening Through Love' from 2 to 8 February
For the last four days and for two more days we are influenced by the energies of Gene Key 13. This key is about our inner light, our inner fire, about what is hidden and will one day emerge if we learn to listen.
The shadow frequency of Discord has to do with our ability to process our past experiences. It is about listening. If we are able to listen with our whole body and take in and follow what we have learnt we do not have to repeat our mistakes again and again.
In the frequency of Discord we are not yet connected to our inner light.
When we are able to listen with our whole bodies we can choose to live at a higher frequency, expressed through Discernment. We begin to witness what is going on inside and outside.
‘Discernment is about discerning the voice of the heart from the voice of the mind. Not that the mind is wrong, but that if it comes before the heart, we’ll again have discord. We have to discern the heart first, then bring in the mind. The heart doesn’t mean the emotions either. Listening to our heart means to fall into silence, into quietness. The impulse of our heart arises from stillness. As it arises it becomes freedom, and carries great excitement with it, great certainty.’ R. Rudd
The siddhic state of Empathy enables us to recover our collective past, not just information, but also experiences. We can be the panther or experience how it feels to be a certain type of tree.
This state, however, needs the complete dissolution of our identity.
During this time of year traditionally people came and come together to celebrate the Celtic Festival of Imbolc and to share their stories.
What is your (current) story of Discernment?
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