Gene Key 60: Limitation - Realism - Justice

From January 17th to January 22nd Gene Key 60 is activated by the sun. 

Its frequency bands are expressed as: 

Limitation in its lowest frequency (the shadow or victim consciousness)
Realism as the gift or creative expression
Justice as the siddhi or divine expression

The shadow state of this Gene Key is mostly about the limitations we set ourselves when we believe that our reality consists only of the physical world that we can see and touch around us.

Realism in the sense of the higher frequency in this archetype invites us to honour structure as well as energy, form as much as evolution and to let magic be part of our lives. 

In 2016 I was invited into a spiritual practice that continues to call me: To connect heaven and earth while walking. 

I imagine heaven above me, around me and reaching until under my feet. With each step I bring Heaven to Earth. 

I stand consciously between Heaven and Earth, acknowledging that I am both spirit and matter, accepting Earth as my home and the divine as my nature.

This for me is an example of aspiring to the Gift of Realism. My body is the structure into which I invite ever finer energy streams. My inner world is filled with life.

When we claim to be energy as well as form we don’t get caught between opposing forces. 

Instead we are opening to the wider intelligence of all creatures and nature. 

Justice lies for me in the place where Heaven and Earth meet inside of us.

Richard writes: 'All the answers to all our problems and challenges are hidden in the creatures and structures of nature, and all of those structures and creatures are embedded in microcosmic form inside every molecule of our DNA.’

‘Common sense is not in opposition to magic. It is common sense to remain open-minded to everything in the universe, because everything has at its core the same wondrous inner light.'

‘This is the week for building structures or implementing plans. We need such forms in order for magical change to occur in our lives…’

What are the structures or plans you are implementing this week, so that magic can flow into your life?

More about the Gene Keys:

Activate your Dreams for 2024 - Beginning on Monday 22nd we are going on a journey with three Gene Keys that mark the start of the Gene Keys New Year (GK 41, 19 and 13)
Use the power of the current cosmic forces to activate your dreams:


Gene Key 19 - Co-Dependence - Sensitivity - Sacrifice


Gene Key 61: Psychosis - Inspiration - Sanctity