Gene Key 60 - The Cracking of the Vessel

From January 16th to 21st Gene Key 60 is activated by the sun.
Gene Key 60 moves from Limitation to Justice and is the Path of Realism.
My contemplation of Gene Key 60 during this transit has brought me a deeper understanding of the beauty and need for structure even if I am looking for freedom.

I love structure and I know how to build it.
I also have a deep longing for freedom.

So far in my search for freedom and independence any kind of structure seemed to be in the way. I have seen it as a limitation to my ability to move and go wherever I want to go.

From my new perspective I can see that it is more real to follow a structure and use it as means to let life flow inside it.
When I first started to explore walking as a way of being, I needed a structure and it was given to me by my meditation teacher: The invitation to walk with Heaven under my feet.

As I am preparing to follow my vision and become a pilgrim walking from Glastonbury to Jerusalem, I can see the connection between the two places as another structure.
And I can see the beauty of this structure. As we begin to plan and choose which trail to take, where to rest, as well as creating our website, this creates the structure for my vision.
Now this structure can begin to fill with new reality, my vision becomes real, encounters can happen and magic can begin to flow.

And back to the Gene Keys. This is some of Richard Rudd’s wisdom:

'All the answers to all our problems and challenges are hidden in the creatures and structures of nature, and all of those structures and creatures are embedded in microcosmic form inside every molecule of our DNA.
Common sense is not in opposition to magic. It is common sense to remain open-minded to everything in the universe, because everything has at its core the same wondrous inner light.'


The Journey