Gene Key 63 - Reaching the Source
Gene Key 63 moves from Doubt to Truth and is the Path of Inquiry.
The dilemma of this Gene Key is logic.
Richard R. suggests that no logical answer can be complete.
It can maybe satisfy our mind which was looking for the one answer.
If we study this Gene Key we learn that Truth is a realisation from within, not an answer from without.
Inquiry in turn, reminds us how beneficial it is to include both polarities, yin and yang, logic and love, or any other pair of opposites.
When we surrender to inquiry we can begin with doubt and be led to the source of the doubt.
If I look at my life over the last seven years, I have often doubted if I am allowed to spend my life walking with heaven under my feet. This current transit makes it clearer than ever that I won’t find a logical answer to my doubt. Instead I can choose to become the inquiry and begin to walk (again). Then the truth (about my way of walking) might be revealed to me. So that I can contribute my truth to the whole.
Richard suggests that truth can only be collective, one person can’t hold the truth, we all need to bring in our fractal of truth so that the whole image can be seen.
‘This realisation, that everything is truth, is well represented by the I Ching name ‘After completion’. The realisation of truth involves a complete relaxation of your entire being. The quest is at an end because the quest has deleted the questioner. The doubter has entered into the question so fully that the question has swallowed his or her awareness. All paths to truth are therefore a complete fabrication, all techniques only distractions and all systems and concepts are ultimately worthless.’
What are you doubting this week? And what is your truth if you follow this doubt to its source?