Walking into Prosperity


How walking with your personal Gene Keys can …

unlock your personal algorithm of prosperity ...

and bring more clarity and simplicity into your life. 

Walking into Prosperity

This is an invitation to join me on a 4 week online course towards embodying your unique way towards prosperity. 

A Spring Cleaning of patterns that are in the way of living prosperous in all areas of your life. 

What are the Gene Keys?

The Gene Keys, inspired by the Chinese I Ching are a mirror of our genetic code. They guide us on an inner journey to transform our perceived challenges into gifts.

The purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring forth your inner beauty, to ignite the spark of the genius that sets each of us apart from everyone else.

The Gene Keys invite us on the Golden Path of which the Pearl Sequence (our path to prosperity) is one part.

Our Journey 

The living wisdom of our individual Gene Keys is revealed to us through contemplation

Our way of contemplation is through Collective Walks.   

Let your insights be sparked by listening to the wisdom of the Earth

Get a glimpse of the variety of our ways in our shared spaces.

The Online Course ‘Pearl Sequence’ offered through Gene Keys Inc. is included and the basis for our explorations. 

This journey is for you if you want to 

  • Identify and embrace your deepest wound and transform it into your gift to the world

  • Find your way to attract the perfect allies and partners into your life 

  • Bring your gift into the world in a way that resonates with you

  • Prosper while bringing prosperity to the bigger whole 

If this catches your attention …

the first step to take is to get your
Personal Hologenetic Profile.

This is your entrance card to the Pearl Sequence. 

The basis of any work with the Gene Keys starts with your personal profile, the unique map of your life. 

Your Profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you operate and, above all, why you are here. 

You can get your Free Profile here:
Get your Hologenetic Profile 

In preparation for ‘Walking into Prosperity’ there will be two free 1 hour group calls:  
‘Aspects of the Hologenetic Profile’ on February 8 or March 8 at 6pm CET

Alternatively book a personal mini-reading that will provide you with a short overview of the different aspects of the Hologenetic Profile and an outline of your four prime gifts

“I'm so glad I signed up for Anja's Walking with the Gene Keys class. I never would have tried the Gene Keys on my own, and for me the enticement was getting the support from Anja. She holds a lovely space that allows for deeper noticings and deeper connections with the other participants. She is very affirming to everyone involved, and holds excitement for each of our particular Gene Keys, which just feels so loving. And her help in deciphering the Gene Keys is invaluable. I've come away with a deeper appreciation and patience for my Shadows, and a deeper trust that my intuitions are on point. What a gift!”

Marta L.

Walking into Prosperity


The Online Course includes:

Intro to the Pearl Sequence
(60 minutes)

Four Collective Walks and Zoom (90 min)

One Collective Walk for each of the 4 Spheres of the Pearl Sequence

  • Walk wherever you are (35 min) 

  • Transition (10 min) 

  • Meet and share via Zoom (45 min) 

Coupon for the Online Course from Gene Keys Inc. ‘The Pearl Sequence’



Monday, 13 March (Intro, 60 min) - 7.30 pm CET

Wednesday, 15 March (90 min)

Wednesday, 22 March (90 min)

Wednesday, 29 March (90 min)

Wednesday, 5 April (90 min)

Times for our Collective Walks

6pm Berlin (CET) - 5pm London (UTC)



300 € including the
Pearl Sequence ($150 value)

Magic – the art of doing nothing outside your own nature. 

Richard Rudd